ilovespidermann wrote in supernatural_hs Mar 16, 2011 18:55
what is today?, shakesbeard is my hero, school doesn't always suck, stunning flawless perfection, this could be a disastuh, oh hell no!, teachers are awesome, poem lulz, questionable content, i know what you did, poetry of heart break, ghetto ass signs, sexy as haaaaale, it's a boy!, talk nerdy to me, totally not a god, sucks to be the student body, haters gonna hate, oh shit, no booze lol yeah right, being pretty is hard, lol you ain't ready, getting shit done like a bamf, lol wut, oh hells yeah, butter biscuits!, bobby up in hur, bad boys watcha gonna do, you go glen coco, geeking out, what would buffy do, look who has sexy glasses, rolling naked in money, for over a century i've lived in secret, what would sampa do, gimme yo money, feel your feelings, too school for cool, jeff your forgot your lunch, omfg, best hairflip ever, breaking hearts all over the world, i know what you are, bringing sexy back, new teacher, jeff tuck in your shirt, spidey senses are tingling, what is this feeling?, oh snap, don't even think about skipping class, yay school spirit, improving education, cats cats cats cats cats cats, lol wtf, ravish me with your words
iknewhimwell wrote in supernatural_hs Feb 25, 2011 19:05
Click to view
geeking out, after school special, doe eyes, 10 things i hate about life, ed is bambi, ed's life is full of fail, ed's rugged beard, act first think later, crap this is crap, best hairflip ever, life as a musical
everyheartbreak wrote in supernatural_hs Jan 25, 2011 19:00
geeking out, school doesn't always suck, after school special, mr. schue is hugging me again..., fun times, announcement time, oh snap, feel your feelings, idk what this is, spirit day, shit got real, good advice from adults, act first think later, omfg
1516thsjew wrote in supernatural_hs Nov 10, 2010 17:31
what would buffy do, geeking out, after school special, spruce is a nerd, bad life decisions, adorkable, yay school spirit, talk nerdy to me, illegal in some schools, aaaand your results are in
iknewhimwell wrote in supernatural_hs Nov 06, 2010 15:41
what would buffy do, geeking out, didn't sign up for this, love is in the air~, lunch time suckahs, 10 things i hate about life, 2 + 2 = 5, feel your feelings, what is this feeling?, talk nerdy to me, ed
iknewhimwell wrote in supernatural_hs Nov 03, 2010 16:52
what would buffy do, geeking out, after school special, bad life decisions, 2 + 2 = 5, oh hells yeah, loooooost in this world, scooby gang, calling all wimps, illegal in some schools, talk nerdy to me, ed, omfg
inheritedsouls wrote in supernatural_hs Oct 29, 2010 23:29
geeking out, your body is ~fine sam, glee!, school doesn't always suck, after school special, i hope someday you will join us, mr. schue is hugging me again..., this place is on fiyah!, idk what this is, talk nerdy to me, omfg, wtf is this shit man, life as a musical, gleeks rule the school, rumors are fun, who thought this was a good idea?, xoxo, coach nylvester will eat you alive, oh hells yeah, calling all wimps, yay school spirit, did not expect that, lol wtf
iknewhimwell wrote in supernatural_hs Oct 28, 2010 19:47
geeking out, the dumb zeddmore, after school special, talk nerdy to me, different faces on parade, ed, life as a musical